Monday, October 11, 2010

Is Essiac herbal tea, for the treatment and prevention effective?

The healing benefits of Essiac tea is a contentious issue for more than 90 years. Essiac herbal drink tea, as a treatment for cancer or in combination with chemotherapy and radiation is a very controversial topic today.

If you are not familiar this herbal tea with the benefits, let me about this alternative treatment to explain that many holistic practitioners for the many forms of cancer empfehlen.Dieser tea is a blend of four herbs; root burdock (Arctium lappa), Turkey Rhubarb root (rheum palmatum), sheep Sorrel (Rumex Acetosella) and the inner bark of slippery elm (Ulmus Fulva or Ulmus Rubra).

In the early 1900, a young Canadian nurse Rene Caisse was patient with cancer treatment. Met a had older women diagnosed with breast cancer at an advanced stage.This woman is recovered despite their poor prognosis.Their secret was a herbal tea, which was at so impressed that you caught it by an Ojibwa of Indian healer gegeben.Krankenschwester Caisse to examine, this tea to fight cancer tried hatte.Sie found that it was on this tea to major healing powers.

The major ingredients in these herbs are mix:

Sheep Sorrel burdock of RootTürkei rhubarb root smooth Elm nurse Caisse spent the next 50 years, treating others with this tea.The sheep Sorrel and the burdock root are the ingredients that have been found to kill cancer cells. Turkey Rhubarb root and the smooth Elm bark help improve and strengthen the immune system.

Nurse Caisse treated both her mother and aunt with Essiac tea, because both with late stage forms of cancer diagnosed wurden.Beide survived and lived in their 90s successfully with these herbs mixture treated.This treatment as a last-ditch effort was looking for many cancer patients, have been identified to your cancer to überwinden.Viele to be going after treatment with Essiac your cancer.

In 1938 legalization of nurse supports many celebrities doctors in Canada caisses herbal tea blend. Despite your efforts the medical community, refused the to confirm the success of Essiac tea as a treatment for cancer.

More on the Essiac tea controversy. Is Essiac herbal tea, for the treatment and prevention effective?

US National Institute of health, in 2008, reported that "There is not enough evidence to recommend herbal tea blend as treatment for each type of cancer for or against the use of Essiac."The report went on to say that "neither the individual herbs in this herbal tea blend studied and tested in extensive human cancer studies."

This four herbs mixture is currently as a "phase III cancer treatment".This means that it is a strong enough treatment to assist in combating the more moderately advanced cancers, but is not strong enough to treatment used by later stages of cancer.Of course, this does not mean that the level of these herbs future research will advance tea to the first line of treatment if results it prove a worthy opponent against cancer.

It is important to note that this herbal mixture is all natural and contains no preservatives.It is important that each individual starting, treatment of itself with Essiac tea, should your doctor consult. herbs like any medication can cause side effects or interact with other Medikamenten.Nur because it is an all natural product, doesn't mean that it sure if it is mixed with other chemicals.

If you are an individual who receives traditional cancer treatments, to discuss how Essiac can be used tea in combination, to improve your treatment.

During the medical community and the public that this and disadvantages of Essiac tea debate, remember that both validity up-to-date is jury still out on the advantages of this type of tea. herbalists consider this to be a very healthy drink that it good for your body, whether it must, cancer or not appoint judges Essiac tea on their health to be be left.

Connie Bednar your whole Leben.Sie enjoys a tea enthusiast, exchange of information on loose leaf tea and herbal tea, so your site born wurde.Erfahren more about herbal teas, such as e.g. Essiac tea on your Web site here you take the time for "tea note speaker" your newsletter sign up while you are there and use your tea e-course.


  1. Essiac tea is a versatile herbal supplement with many benefits. Essiac tea benefits include a boost to the immune system and detoxification of the body.

  2. Really this is really informative posting.really herbs are vital role play in our life.
