Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scientific studies confirm, cayenne pepper kills cancer cells

Scientific studies confirm, cayenne pepper kills cancer cells

Several Western medicine clinical studies in a rare moment of honesty, have confirmed that capsaicin, the metabolite causes compound in hot peppers which owns cayenne pepper in abundance, that cancer cells to literally work process in a process known as "Apoptosis."
Yet hardly anyone knows it. It reports the media in most cases.This is the groundbreaking Informationen.Denken because: Cayenne of pepper's chief metabolite is composite capsaicin in medicine to kill clinical studies that leukemic Pancretic and prostate cancer cells!
"What research?"You might wonder? it separate studies have been conducted to the same conclusion came. Let's go on now.
A study reported in March 2006 by the American Association for cancer research reported that to kill, capsaicin prostate cancer cells by to undergo apoptosis format.the force study says capsaicin, "..""...hat a profound Antiproliferative induzierende effect on prostate cancer cells to apoptosis androgen receptor positive and - negative prostate cancer cell lines..."
Furthermore, the same study says ".."".. .our data suggest that capsaicin or a related analog, perhaps one role in the management of prostate cancer."
Reportedly the British Broadcasting Network proposes a study at the University of Nottingham in England as well as that capsaicin can trigger "Self suicide" or apoptosis cells in lung and pancreatic cancer.
Studies in Japan showed natural capsaicin inhibits the growth of leukemic cancer cells as well.
Capsaicin defined
So what is capsaicin? capsaicin is the key component of the peppers Capsicum genus from which the nightshade (Solanaceae) .Cayenne Pepper is a prominent member of the family.
Capsaicin is a Capsaicinoid.Es is a secondary metabolite chemical compound, which stimulates your Chemoreceptor nerve endings and your Schleimhäute--that is, why they're called the heat chili peppers or cayenne pepper notice.
You need not to know read biochemistry behind cayenne pepper, the health benefits of cayenne pepper or Capsicum as sometimes called wird.Cayenne Pepper is a phenomenal herb, which has clean a series of phenomenal medical purposes that prevent including nourishing heart, heart attacks, blood, to prevent tooth decay, clean your arteries and even cure hemorrhoids.
And it is proven to prevent a great deterrent prostate, lung, pancreas and leukemic now medical science.

Visit for more information about the miraculous health benefits of the Cayenne pepper and cayenne pepper medical research watch please.

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